What's Your Email Address?

For a loooong time, business owners have gotten away with using email addresses like hainesmassage@gmail.com and allissaLMT@yahoo.com. These email addresses are free and super easy to set up. Win/win!

Alas, those sweet, sweet free and easy email days are growing short. In February 2024 Google & Yahoo are updating their email security.

If you use bulk email marketing (you send an email to multiple people at once in a program like MailChimp or MailerLite) you’ll need to take two steps to be sure your emails actually get delivered to the recipient’s inbox.

The first step is to use an email address with a custom domain. Example: allissa@hainesmassage.com instead of hainesmassage@gmail.com. If you already own a domain, you can set up an email address through that domain, either with your domain registrar or Google.

The next step is to ‘authenticate’ that domain via your bulk email provider’s instructions and your domain registrar. Your bulk email provider will have instructions for that process.

Two simple steps and your emails will be delivered to your client's inbox instead of getting dumped into junk mail.

Except, is anything ever really simple for the less-than-tech-brilliant among us? No, it is not. Everything takes six times as long and requires aggravation and learning curves (and swearing).

Click here and can help with that. It'll reduce the aggravation by at least 89%. I make no guarantees about the swearing.